Guess what guys!!
CHRISO IS BAPTIZED!!!!!!! It was a really simple, yet perfect baptism. Chriso is really so full of faith. He KNOWS this is all true. He really is an inspiration to me. He's going to go through some difficult things as he tries to get his wife to understand, but he'll be ok. Knowing that this is all true is what gets you through the hard stuff.
CHRISO IS BAPTIZED!!!!!!! It was a really simple, yet perfect baptism. Chriso is really so full of faith. He KNOWS this is all true. He really is an inspiration to me. He's going to go through some difficult things as he tries to get his wife to understand, but he'll be ok. Knowing that this is all true is what gets you through the hard stuff.
We taught Alicia again this week. She's the 11 year old daughter of a semi-inactive woman in the Ward. When she and her sisters walked through the door they were so excited to see us. All of them love the gospel so much and were so attentive even though most of them are too young. Above all I noticed that Alicia's special needs sister, Kecleen, was silently nodding her head and whispering answers to our questions. She is so sensitive to the spirit. We're going to ask President if he thinks she can be baptized.
Vivianne is the referral we got from Soeur Callister right after she moved to her new area. We had a wonderful lesson where we got to see how much she wants to follow the Lord. She's really going through some difficulties because she's basically homeless. She's living with some friends of a friend who aren't very nice too her. We had to hand her over to the Antony Soeurs because she's living in their area, but soon after they called and said she got kicked out and is now living in our area....but only for a week until she can move into a cheap apartment she found. It's all confusing.
We also taught Gina, the woman who's son killed himself a few years ago. We explained the Spirit World to her rather than teaching the first lesson. I'm so glad the Church allows missionaries to adjust the order of the lessons according to the spirit and needs of the investigator. We'll be seeing her on Wednesday.
We also found out this week that we are no longer allowed to contact (immigrant) African women. Apparently it's for safety reasons, just like with Muslim women. This is going to be the hardest on our area because we have the highest percentage of Africans in the whole mission. Plus, French people have the reputation of being much less open. However, if President feels thus inspires that means that French women are ready for the gospel. We've just got to have faith.
I love you all soooooooo much!
Pictures 1- Chriso’s baptism 2- The 3 Musketeers (Sis. Callister, Bethany and Sis. Gordon) 3-Eating Falafel’s with Sis. Gordon and Sis. Kimball
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