Thursday, October 24, 2013

21 October 2013 Forget Me Not

The following note was included in Bethany’s portion of the email to family:
This is the last week of this transfer. Next Monday will be the transfer email, but I'm pretty sure that Soeur MacKay and I will be staying together. I've been praying for the past few weeks that I don't get trunky. So far so good, but I saw what happened with two other sisters at the end of their missions and I DON'T want that to happen to me. I'm determined to sprint to the finish.
Hello Everyone,
So last week I got to go to my favorite place in Paris, Sacré Coeur! Sadly, it was cold and cloudy, but the village atmosphere up there is so neat that I don't really care. The clouds actually added a type of "poesie", or "poetic-ness" you could say in English. I also bought your Christmas presents Mom and Dad. I'm all set!
After having a really awesome week last week, this week had opposition. It's always like that, Satan just can't stand when good things happen and Heavenly Father takes the chance to humble us. We set up so many appointments and just kept having them all fall through. Its sooo annoying when people forget that we don't just sit around waiting for them to have time for us.
However, there were still awesome things happening. Laurinda has had it tough in her personal life lately and we decided to teach her from Uchtdorf's talk "Forget me Not". We talked about how often we feel as if the Lord has forgotten us, but if we have faith we'll see that he is very mindful of us. Later in the week we looked up how to say a couple uplifting phrases in Portuguese and then put in a note in her mailbox. We got a call from a Portuguese speaking member saying that Laurinda called because she was so happy that her son was able to find a job through a member in the church and she loved our little note. It's was so wonderful to see how the Lord answers prayers.
So since about the middle of my mission from time to time we get texts from church headquarters saying that someone visited and requested a missionary visit. At first the system wasn’t very organized and most of the people we couldn't get in contact with. Well, we've gotten a lot lately and have been busy getting in contact with everyone. One of them finally worked out! Her name is Annie and she came across the "Nie Nie diologues", from poplular LDS blogger Stephanie Nielson. She was touched by a scripture in the Book of Mormon mentioned on the blog and decided to research more at She was happy to meet with us and excited when we gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon. We'll be seeing her again this week!
Then today during studies I came across an article in the October 2009 ensign about blogs. I began thinking about how Laura’s been putting my letters on that blog I started and I wondered if they've helped anybody. Even if it's just one person that feels a little happier or has a little more hope I'd be happy!
This week we ate with President Poznanski's son's family, they live in the St. Ouen Ward. They said that the missionaries never talk to them at church and never ask them to teach with them because they're scared of them. They were happy that I've always done both since I got here. I didn't even realize that they felt that way! It was interesting to learn things about President and his family that I didn't know before and see family pictures that I've never seen before. At the end, his son's wife was too afraid to drive in Paris at night to take us home. So he had to call his dad to ask if he could take us himself (normally against the rules to have a man take us home alone, without his wife or another adult). It was funny as they laughed about the conversation on the phone. They even vous-voyéd (using the formal version of "you") just for fun.


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