Friday, January 3, 2014

3 Dec 2013 Thanksgiving in France

Dear Everyone,                                                               3 December 2013
Whoa! The Iron Bowl this year sounds like it was crazy! Can't wait to see the recaps.
I'm glad that Laura got to see so many family members for her last Thanksgiving before the “ mish”. I hope she took lots of pictures. I always hated taking pictures before my mission, but I've learned to realize that they capture memories.
And Daddy, I'm SO proud of you for inviting someone to the Stake Christmas Festival! I know you say that he practically invited himself, but the fact that you talked about it to him is so cool. I really have been so touched by the way you and Mom and the Byrd's Spring Ward have started becoming real member missionaries. I've come close to tears several times. I hope that I can join you all when I get back.

So my legality was so that I would be legal during my last few weeks here. The Church wants us to do it because it's easier for them to get visas in the future for missionaries, if the ones that have served here before stay as legal as possible. However, when we got there yesterday the lady asked why I didn't do it in Blois. I explain how the Church had been told that wherever I start the process I must finish it there. She said no and sent me on my way. We didn't care too much though because I'm leaving in just a few days.
We spent half of our P-day doing stuff in Paris. We saw Notre Dame, ate at my favorite restaurant, went to the famous bookstore Shakespeare and Company, and shopped at the Kilo Shop and the Kiosks around the Seine. Actually, the other sisters bought stuff while I just enjoyed being in Paris one last time. I did buy a cool "scary stories" book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle though. It was a packed day. Oh, and I got to stop and visit Chriso to say goodbye right before I did legality. Soeur Judd and Soeur Doyle loved him. He's just the best recent convert ever!
Last Thursday was Thanksgiving for us as well! Our plan was take a train at 9:30 and talk with missionaries on the way to Tours, start District Meeting at 11, eat and play games from 12:30 to 4. Well, the bus was late in Blois and we missed the train. There was another one until 12:15! We got to the chapel in Tour at 1:45. Which meant that we still had about 2 hours to talk and have Thanksgiving fun. I was grateful for what time we did get, but the other Sisters were sad that we didn't get more. I guess it was harder for them because they're not going home anytime soon.

We still had a great time though and the other Sisters agreed. It was great to eat a real Thanksgiving meal (well, as real as it can get without Turkey). We laughed a lot, played games and took silly pictures. They were all really good memories.

We had our exchange with the Sister Training Leaders this week. They both came here so we got double the work done for our area! Soeur Doyle and I were with Soeur Thibault, who I lived with when she was a bleu in Nogent and I was still in Torcy. It was good getting caught up with her. We found a great young man to teach. He actually lives in Savanna, Georgia and speaks English perfectly, even though he is technically French. He's just here waiting for his American visa. He's very interested in what we have to teach and says we can keep doing so until he leaves the 23rd. He gave me his phone number in Georgia and I plan on giving it to the missionaries there when I get home.
Last Sunday was fast and testimony meeting. It was a big day for us because we invited the Valija family to each write down a question and bring with them to church. Then we promised them that the Lord would answer the question. We fasted and prayed a lot for them. We'll be seeing them on Wednesday to find out what happened. We wanted to see them earlier, but with my legality and then District meeting it was too hard. Also, we've gotten in touch with the Albanian Elders so we can Skype with them! Finally!
Maggie was confirmed Sunday as well. Maggie has had a tough life and would rather joke with us than be spiritual sometimes. However, after her confirmation she had tears in her eyes and later she texted us to say she felt things in her heart. It was a wonderful confirmation to us that she is sincere in being a member of the Church.
I'm sorry that I can't send pictures this week. This computer won't allow me to. It's too bad, with Paris and Thanksgiving we had some great ones.
I love you all!
PS-Attached is a Christmas Card that Bethany sent us of her and her companions. You can tell that they like to have fun!

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